Lentilsit is a type of plant that is from the genus of lentils from the legume family. It is grown in most countries, and the largest producing countries are Canada, India, Australia, and Turkey. It is originally from the Levant, and Lentils were among the first plants were cultivated by humans. Lentils were discovered about 13,000 years ago, so it is considered one of the founders of civilization. The site of Tal al-Karkh in Idlib Governorate in Syria is the oldest site where seeds are grown.
Nutrition facts
Lentils contain wonderful nutrients that are essential for health, so only about 100 grams of cooked lentils contain:-
116 Kcal.
9.02 grams protein
0.3 grams of fat
20.13 grams of carbohydrates
The above portion of lentils provides you with:-
45% of the RDA for folic acid.
36% of the recommended daily intake of iron.
70% of the recommended daily intake of manganese.
28% of the recommended daily intake of phosphorous.
58% of the RDA for thiamine.
14% of the recommended daily potassium
127% of the RDA for vitamin B6
Lentils also contain high levels of niacin, magnesium, and zinc.
Benefits of lentils
Lentils are rich in protein and nutrients; these are the nutrients in lentils:-
Lentils are classified as the third food in terms of protein and amino acid content, among other legumes such as beans, chickpeas, and others. 26% of the calories provided by lentils come from protein. Lentils are rich in complex carbohydrates and fiber and are a source of energy. It is rich in minerals and vitamins such as iron, calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, and folic acid.
Rich source of dietary fiber
Lentils are also a rich source of insoluble dietary fiber, which is very important for:-
Regulating the work of the digestive system and facilitates the digestive process.
Preventing constipation and irritable bowel syndrome.
Many other health issues are related to weight regulation, diabetes, and more. A cup of cooked lentils contains about 65% of your daily need for fiber.
It helps in losing weight
One cup of cooked lentils contains about 230 calories; this cup is very rich in fiber and protein that enhances the feeling of satiety. With this in mind, nutritionists encourage to include lentils in various diets and diets.
Lentils reduce cholesterol
Lentils are high in soluble fiber and are very important for:
Reducing harmful cholesterol levels.
It raises the good cholesterol in the body.
Enhancing cardiovascular health and reducing the risk of strokes. Lentils are also a rich source of magnesium and folic acid, which are very important in enhancing and protecting heart health.
Good for diabetics
The benefits of lentils for diabetics are many; for example, Lentils contain complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber, making them a slow-digesting food. The fiber in lentils reduces the absorption of sugar in the gut and control blood sugar levels. Hence it may be the ideal food for diabetics. With all these benefits of lentils and rich in all these nutritional values, it may be important to include them in your daily meal plan and rely on them as a beneficial source of energy.
Benefits of red lentils
Maintain a healthy heart
Maintaining a healthy pregnancy.
Fight fatigue and exhaustion
Improves digestion and satiety
Reducing the risk of cancer
Rich in antioxidants
Improve blood sugar
Reduce blood pressure
What are the benefits of brown lentils?
Improve heart health.
It positively affects the health of the pregnant woman.
It reduces the growth of cancers.
Fight fatigue and general weakness.
Positive effect on the digestive system and weight loss.
Benefits of lentil soup
1- Lentil soup is the best choice for those who follow winter diets because it contains few calories, in addition to fiber and protein, both of which are nutrients that help you feel full and satiated for a long time.
2- Lentil soup has great importance for the digestive system because it contains a high percentage of fiber, which facilitates bowel movement, improves digestion, and reduces the risk of constipation, diarrhea, bloating gas, and colon.
3- Helps to feel warm in the winter season.
4- Lentil soup is considered an intestinal cleanser because garlic and onion are two of the most prominent ingredients; they have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.
5- Lentil soup stimulates blood circulation in the body because the tomatoes cooked with it contain lycopene, which improves the flow of oxygen-rich blood to all organs of the body, and it helps them to perform the vital functions to the fullest.
6- Lentil soup contains a high percentage of iron and vitamin C, both of which are nutrients that boost the body's immune system, which reduces the risk of some diseases.
7- Doctors usually recommend lentil soup for people who suffer from malnutrition because it is a meal that contains integrated nutrients, especially vitamins.
8- One of the meals that have great importance for cardiovascular health because it reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, which led to reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and heart attacks.
9- Lentil soup contains complex carbohydrates that contribute to controlling blood sugar, making it a beneficial food for the health of diabetics.
10- The protein in lentil soup helps build muscles and cells, so it is good food for bodybuilding.
Eating large amounts of lentils may make you constipated, so if you want to include lentils in your diet to increase your dietary fiber portion, you should do this gradually.
1-Drink plenty of water.
2-Eat small amounts of fiber with every meal.
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